Sunday, January 18, 2015

Believe that passing CA exam depends on you and only you, not on the CA Institute. So never stop working hard and smart and simply keep following that big dream - ' I want to be a Chartered Accountant', says CA, Chandni Shah

She is intelligent... smart....focused and knows what she wants from life. She is an amazing dancer and above all a true professional. She always chased and followed her dream to become a successful Chartered Accountant. Let’s Talk Life with CA Chandni Shah where she talks about her journey of life, love for dance and how becoming a CA is not that difficult if you have the  passion to be one.

  • Kindly tell us something about yourself?

I am a Chartered Accountant with a degree in B.Com. I am born and brought up in the vibrant city of Mumbai. I did my schooling in S.K.I Jain Girls High School and in Convent of Jesus if Mary (Fort Convent). I was an enthusiastic child, keen in indulging in various activities like dancing, acting, debating, drawing, etc. I still carry the same zeal and believe in a balanced life. Currently, besides work, I am pursuing LL.B from Government Law College and learning Jazz professionally.
  • What are you currently doing professionally?

I work at PwC in Direct Tax Litigation Department, which mainly involves preparing and arguing income tax appeal cases at the Tribunals and High Courts.
  • What made you choose this career?

I had chosen to be a Chartered Accountant since I was 9 years old because I always wanted to be like my father who is a CA. I had nurtured this dream since then.

  • Talk about Chartered Accountancy as a career? 

Chartered Accountancy is a very dignified profession. Its scope is tremendously wide ranging from audit (internal and statutory), taxation, finance, consultancy and much more.  It requires less investment money wise  compared to other professions, and thus this profession has helped many people belonging to lower middle class reaching great heights.
  • Apart from C.A , what do you do in your past time?

Apart from my job, I indulge in dancing, reading books, travelling and talking long hours with my girlfriends. I am also keen on learning table tennis, swimming and exercising regularly.
  •  Advantages of choosing your career? 

There are loads. But the best advantage of my career is that I enjoy it with passion. What more do you want from your career? Respect and money are bound to follow you when you have the passion for your career, be it any.
  • Your father is CA,  has it helped you in any way to shape your career?

All the way! When your father is a CA, you have an idol constantly by your side  from who you can take inspiration . He has motivated me to pursue the course and his experience and foresight has helped me make wise choices throughout.
  • There are many who cannot make through after repeated attempts and eventually give up. What is your take on that?

I believe everyone can make through the exam. A single positive thought of becoming a CA cultivates in one the passion and focus required to study the humungous portion and go through the challenging exam. However, the reason of multiple attempts and ultimately giving up is the negative thought of not becoming a CA which is difficult to fight. Its only this negativity which results in failure again and again. Its not  only about intelligence or luck.
  • What is the one most important thing to become a successful C.A?

Passion. To put it crudely, Hunger is the word. Hunger to do the job effectively and efficiently. This ensures client satisfaction, fulfils our own career aspirations and leads to growth of the nation.
  • Challenges that you faced during your journey ? How did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge was the fear of not clearing in 1st attempt coupled with people's expectation that I will definitely clear in one go. That created a lot of pressure. The syllabus is gigantic plus the unpredictability of exam pattern and varying difficulty levels are a huge challenge. Its more of a mental game then using intelligence. The exam tests your character in every which way. Positive attitude, patience with oneself, endurance, focus, devotion and God's grace helped me overcome all. And without the constant faith that my family and friends had in my capability, I wouldn't have got the strength to take it all and finally make it!
  • How many years does it take for one to be a professional in this field?

It takes a minimum of 4 years to become a Chartered Accountant if you clear in one go. To be a professional in this field, one life may fall short since the profession requires constant practice and learning, updating knowledge and high integrity and ethical values. That's why they call it a CA 'Practice' - though you are a professional, you are still practising to be perfect.
  • What was your 'Nothing is Impossible moment'?

The moment I saw my Final CA result and read 'Pass’ for both the groups of subjects! Not that I ever doubted becoming a CA one day, but considering that I had attempted only 75% of the papers in my first attempt, yet getting a 50% plus was definitely a 'Nothing is Impossible moment'! 
  • Lastly what advice would you give to the aspiring C.A who want to make their mark in the field?

To all the aspiring CA's, Always be keen to learn, even after becoming a CA. Failure is only temporary, have faith in yourself. Sincerely believe that passing CA exam depends on you and only you, not on the CA Institute. So never stop working hard and smart and simply keep following that big dream - ' I want to be a Chartered Accountant'! Good luck :)

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